Big Rack Vodka
When you get a client, that gives you green light to make a design out of the ordinary, this is the result.
Big Rack Vodka is a vodka targeted for a very unique group, hunters! so we had to make the interface very unique. The narrative from screen one until the end is related to hunting and nature. We also added some ideas for cocktails anda little gaming to make it interesting for navigating the site.

Website Design
American made Vodka for man and woman that love the outdoors: Hunting or fishing
The client had a good brand ID, and knew what they wanted for their audience. Starting from a brief from the client, and these brand elements such as logo, and product pictures, we designed the landscape and narrative of the project.
The cursor was defined to be the gun’s target. So when you moved the mouse, the target would show and act, for example the camp fire would lit up. When you clicked it would sound as a shoot.
The menu on the left side, when clicked would take you to the inner pages but would also trigger an animation on the screen.
This website was animated in JQuery, it is responsive and links to a storefront.